Here are the links to 2 new videos:
This first one is a reflection on last Sunday’s Mass Readings:
This second one is “The Gospel in a Nutshell” directed to school children but is really for everyone:
This Week’s Mass Intentions:
Sunday March 3rd was for Fr. Anthony’s Intentions
Monday March 4th was for the benefit of Paul by his sister Jennifer
Tuesday March 5th is for the benefit of Rebecca by her mother Nathalie
Wednesday March 6th, Ash Wednesday, is for Fr. Anthony’s Intentions
Thursday March 7th is for a special intention by Nathalie
Friday March 8th is for the soul of Gabriel Lopez by Suzanne
Saturday March 9th is for the benefit of Paul by his sister Jennifer
Deacon Marc Gauthier says:
Praying for “In Viam Pacis”. May our Lord’s purposes be fulfilled for all who enter.
inviam5bg says:
Thank you Deacon! I really appreciate your prayers and encouragement. God bless. In Viam Pacis!